IWW Vancouver announces 2013 Spring Organizer Training 101 for everyone! These sessions will focus on Direct Unionism emphasizing co-worker solidarity and building strategy from the bottom up. This is the 2nd Organizer Training in Vancouver recently, and local wobblies are working to raise awareness around some of the issues facing workers in Vancouver. These issues include low wages, bad bosses, under the table jobs, merit based raises, job security and even disillusionment in co-workers.
Here is more info:
"This is a two day course on building power in your workplace from the bottom up. It focuses on techniques for building a committee of workers who are confident and capable of addressing issues in the workplace, and for overcoming obstacles like worker apathy, anxiety, and the bosses’ counter-organizing efforts. The course is free/donation, and is open to everyone –so please forward to anyone who might be interested!"
Facebook invite for more information