We found this video to be inspiring and important in terms of taking control back and having limits on how deprecating your work can be for you. We also want to mention that not everyone can quit their jobs and that many folks out there are desperate and can't afford to lose the work. That is why we have to stick up for each other in our work sites and stand together against the bosses.
We want to say "thank you" to Joey for calling out the atrocities the hotel worker's suffer. Joey and others have a lot more to say about their industry here at Joey Quits !
We will collectively confront specific grievances or problems that arise in our workplaces in Vancouver. Jobs like ours (gendered/low income/service industry labour) are the ones that allow these empires to exist and expand. We are currently running an industry wide call out to all sympathetic coffee shop workers. We work with "direct unionism" principles and IWW tactics.