Employees at an undisclosed Waves location are participating in DIRECT UNIONISM.
After being threatened by bosses, to have percentages of their tip money go to counterfeits, workers decided to take control of their tips altogether. Management tried to persuade them that it is in the best interest of the workers, for management to control the tips and the division of tips. However, employees, who were already suspicious that their tip money was being siphoned, refused to back down.
Bosses are not allowed to tamper with the worker's tips. Many coffee shops and alike, use tips as an excuse to keep wages unlivable. Some companies trick employees into signing documents that allow them to take money out of their tips, but in the end, they have no business dipping into the worker's hard earned money. Tips are the property of the workers.
We will collectively confront specific grievances or problems that arise in our workplaces in Vancouver. Jobs like ours (gendered/low income/service industry labour) are the ones that allow these empires to exist and expand. We are currently running an industry wide call out to all sympathetic coffee shop workers. We work with "direct unionism" principles and IWW tactics.